Pratham Chicago Launches Young Professionals Committee
After several years of hosting events and activities aimed at engaging young professionals, Pratham Chicago is pleased to announce the formation of a formal Young Professionals (YP) committee. A launch event was held on June 5 at the home of chapter board member Deepak Sechadri. “I was happy to host the gathering,” he explained, “I feel strongly about engaging these young people as they are philanthropy leaders of the future.”
Following a presentation on Pratham’s work, experienced volunteers and staff discussed opportunities for participating in the organization. Guests then moved to a nearby restaurant, where they had a chance to network and get to know one another on a more personal level.
The event was attended by roughly a dozen young professionals with an interest in lending their time and skills to Pratham. “This event is the first step to more meaningfully engage volunteers with opportunities to make a powerful difference in India while they lead busy lives in Chicago,” said YP lead Yev Kozachuk. “As a local business owner, I was also looking to give back to the international community on a regular basis without the associated travel requirements. It is such a pleasure to work alongside a dedicated volunteer base that has their hearts in the right place.”
The committee will work with the chapter board to create greater engagement opportunities as well as provide mentorship and access to senior leadership. The first official YP meeting will be held on July 18.
Learn about how you can join Pratham Young Professionals.