Pratham USA - 2018 Annual Report
Last year was a particularly eventful year for Pratham. Thanks to the generosity our supporters, we improved the lives of more than 16 million children and young adults. Pratham USA’s 2018 annual report, available here, offers an informative overview of our programs along with highlights from the year.
Our Hamara Gaon initiative allowed us to have a more extensive and sustained presence in 3,500 villages across India, while our Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) methodology was integrated into 130,000 government primary schools in Uttar Pradesh, raising the quality of education for nine million students. Meanwhile, our digital initiatives brought content, connectivity and infrastructure to 1,000 communities, an important step towards breaking from traditional modes of education.
Over the last quarter century, Pratham has grown into one of India’s largest, most highly regarded nonprofits, having affected the lives of more than 60 million children and youth. Our citizen-led survey to assess the status of children’s learning (ASER) and our pioneering approach to improving learning outcomes in a matter of weeks (TaRL) have garnered international recognition, including the 2018 LUI Che Woo Prize for our work towards the elimination of illiteracy.
Multiple studies conducted over 15 years by Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, who received the 2019 Nobel Prize in Economics for their scientific evaluation of social sector innovations, concluded that Pratham’s TaRL pedagogy leads to some of the most substantial and cost-effective learning gains of any primary education program.
Pratham USA’s 2018 annual report, available here, offers an informative overview of our programs along with highlights from the year. We hope it will also leave you with a sense of the enormity of the challenge ahead and an appreciation of our collective accomplishments thus far.