Chicago Hosts Young Professionals Happy Hour
On June 13, the Pratham Young Professionals Group of Chicago hosted a special happy hour at the Sidebar Grille. Along with an opportunity to network and learn more about Pratham, the evening offered attendees a chance to meet Snigdha Gupta, a researcher at the University of Chicago and former program manager with Pratham in India.
“The young professional mixer was a great way for me to explore what Pratham is all about while getting to know people who are similarly interested in advancing the cause of education in India,” said attendee Dhruv Mangal, corporate development project leader at a locally based pharma company. “I’m looking forward to more such events.”
According to Snigdha, who has also attended Pratham events in Boston and NYC, “It was wonderful to engage with a passionate and motivated group of individuals curious to learn about Pratham’s work and ways to get involved. I hope to meet many more in the near future and continue the discussion to advance our work.”
Chicago Young Professionals Lead Abhinav Gandhi outlined the Chicago YP chapter’s plans to host more events in the coming months, including local community activities and skill workshops, which will benefit Pratham activities in India. “Our aim is to tap into the vibrant community that Chicagoland has to offer and develop future community leaders,” Gandhi explained. “We want to continue this momentum through the year and have active engagement with at least one event per quarter.”
Getting involved with Pratham Young Professionals is a great way to connect with like-minded individuals around the shared interest of making a meaningful difference through education. Sign up here.